Tuesday 11 November 2014

Lest We Forget

  Today is the day set aside to remember and honour those who have fought and served to give us the freedom we enjoy today. I was fortunate to be able to attend a remembrance day ceremony with my family. When I told the kids a few days ago that we would be going, the announcement was not quite met with the enthusiasm I would have liked...
  We did manage to get everyone on board and out the door on time (yay). It was heartwarming to see the Q-plex filled to capacity with people of all ages out to honour our soldiers. I think what meant the most to me was seeing the families that were out with young kids. As a parent of young, fidgety people myself, I know what a challenge it can be to come to an event that is meant to be quiet and solemn.
   I was proud to be counted among those who had little people wearing poppies and asking questions about what was going on. Simon did have to make an exit a time or two with Asher who couldn't quite make it through without being chatty (although he did manage to stay hushed for the two minutes of silence). I think it is so important that families continue to bring there kids to this ceremony and pass on to the next generation the knowledge and respect that is so deserving the brave men and women who served to keep us strong and free. So to those who may have been a bit put off by the wiggling and not so quiet whispers, be kind, be patient, and be thankful that these families care enough to bring there little ones to this event.
   I am a proud daughter, granddaughter, niece, cousin, and sister in law to men who have stepped up to serve. Not every member of my family was called to serve in war, but those who did returned with physical and mental scars and memories that they may not want. I am so grateful for what they did. So today, and every day remember them, lest we forget.

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