Thursday, 12 February 2015

2015 Plans & Goals

  I  realize I have been slacking in my posts. I think that is in part due to my new schedule and the fact that I feel like I don't have much in the way of spare time anymore. I am not complaining, because I have chosen this for myself, but some days I think I must be nuts!
  I am still working full time at the medical school. I am working a shift in the ER at least every second weekend. I have started working on my master's degree. And I am back to training for a boxing match, which I hope will take place in March.
  I also have this crazy idea that I want to train for a triathlon, so I've started swimming a couple of mornings a week. I often wish that there were more hours in the day, or that I didn't need to sleep because that would make life so much simpler.
  I would like to have more time for my kids. I'd like to have more time to volunteer at my church. I'd like to have more time to just "be". I don't want all of my business to lead to burnout.
  So my goals for 2015 are to: Complete 3 master's courses, compete in at least 1 boxing match, complete at least one triathlon, and to stay healthy and not have any hospital admissions!