Today marks the three year anniversary of the day that Simon and I said, "I do". We dated for three years prior to that which puts us at six years of learning and loving. Again, this blog isn't about sob stories or drama, but I want to be real. Simon is an amazing man and I am so thankful that he decided to take a chance on me.
I have had a rough time in the past relationships and life has not always been easy. When Simon and I began dating I was beginning my third year of nursing school. I was living with my two little munchkins in a housing complex for abused women. I was learning to support myself and my kids and figure out who I was on my own. In short, I was a hot mess.
Simon has been patient and kind and he has put up with so much. I want to take a moment to brag on this man. Simon was a long term bachelor. He was used to a comfortable single life with the ability to come and go as he wanted and he didn't need to worry about anyone else's schedule when making plans. He willingly gave up this life to become not only to be a husband, but a father to two children who weren't biologically his.
Simon not only stepped up to the plate, but he hit the ball out of the park. He not only said "I do" to me, but he said "I will" to a family. He has taken on school lunches, sitting up with sick kids during the night, changing dirty diapers, and settling sibling disputes with a kindness and patience that I often lack. With the birth of Asher, his biological baby, I was concerned that somehow, someway he would love Isaac and Akira just a little less. The only thing that has changed is that he now shares his heart with three instead of two.
Finally, I want to say thank you to this man who has been by my side as I fell into a dark hole and who has held my hand as I am finding my way out the other side. Simon is my friend and my partner for life. He gave me the security to finally give myself permission to fall apart and begin to heal all the hurts of the past.
I love him today, tomorrow and for always.