Tuesday, 17 June 2014


  While I was in the hospital, I had a great deal of time to think about what really matters in my life. My family is so special and I am learning to cherish each moment with them and to try to be more patient and slower to react. So, I am going to take a moment to blog about each of my kids and what makes them so amazing.
  I'll start with number one... Mr. Isaac. This little man is 7 years old and finishing grade 2. I often remark that he is an old soul. He really enjoys spending time talking with adults. He is very aware of peoples feelings and doesn't like to see anyone upset. He seems to carry the weight of the world on his little shoulders some days.
  He is also a crazy climber. He has told us he is going to be the next American Ninja Warrior, and I don't doubt he could do it! He is in perpetual motion unless he is in front of a pile of Lego and then he could sit for hours creating. He is a pretty amazing kid (though I'm biased). I love this kid!
  Isaac has had his challenges. He really struggled in school right from the beginning. He liked going, but he wasn't able to sit still and focus. It got to the point that he would come home in tears and call himself stupid because he wasn't able to do what the other kids did. He was diagnosed as ADHD and we made the very difficult decision to put him on a trial of medication. What a difference! He now does very well in school and more importantly feels so much better about himself. He is still a boy and still very active, but now he is actually able to focus during school. He is such a treasure.

You seem to carry the weight of the world
upon your slender shoulders
You feel deeply
and love without condition
You grow and change everyday.
Life has not always been easy for you,
but you take each change as it comes.
I see the pain
in your solemn gaze.
You're growing into a man my love,
my firstborn.
I'd carry your burden if I could.
I cannot carry your pain my boy, 
but in my arms find shelter
and know my heart will always hold you near.