First and foremost I am going to pay attention to what I am eating. Junk food= junk mood. I have been pretty good at eating clean since our return from vacation, but I've not been perfect. Now no one loves a perfectionist so I'm not going to beat myself up if I slip up. After all, being nice to myself is the first step in being nice to other people.
I've made a conscious effort to get some exercise this week as well. Granted, since I am training for a fight, exercise is kind of part of my normal routine. I decided to kick it up a notch this week. I have also attacked the clutter that has accumulated around the house with a vengeance. Sadly, I had a colossal melt down because my family wasn't jumping on the clean freak wagon... winter 1- Melanie 0.
I feel like it takes every once of my will power some days just to get out of my PJs. I am not a cold weather gal. I do not embrace the lovely snow. I have freezing cold hands and feet. I live in Canada and I hate winter. I admit it. Winter is a formidable enemy whom I have yet to conquer.
If the white, frozen nastiness doesn't stop soon I may lose my mind. I know that it isn't quite March yet, but please, please let's have some warm weather. Hey, I'd even take 1-2 degrees above 0 at this point. And windchill? Let's make windchill a distant memory or my family may not make it out of this winter with all their body parts intact.
I like to set a good example for my kids, but I am HORRIBLE when it comes to winter. I think they're looking forward to spring more than I am just to get nice mommy back again. Another day, another snow flake.... Let's beat the winter blahs!
You can't go play in the snow when the snow is over your head!
Oh look, it's the BBQ! I'm glad the deck didn't fall off...